"DESCRIPTION 1"="Level Of Detail (LOD) bias modifies the calculation of texture level of detail parameter LOD. Often a texture is oversampled or filtered such that the texture is band limited at lower frequencies in one or more dimensions. The result is that texture-mapped primitives appear excessively blurry."
"DESCRIPTION 2"="LOD bias provides biases in the LOD calculation to compensate for under or over sampled texture images. The sharpness of mipmapped textures can be altered here."
"DESCRIPTION 3"="Entering a negative value in either field will make the image sharper, but it will affect overall performance. A positive value will make the image more blurred, but the perfomance will be better. The default value is 0, and the values can range from 8 to -8. -4 is a recommended value."
"DESCRIPTION 4"="In Windows 2000, the driver currently only allows values between 2 and -2, in which case you should set the value to -2."
"DESCRIPTION 5"="You can read the full in-depth LOD bias article (including pictures) by viewing: http://voodooextreme.com/reverend/Reviews/3dfx_5500/followup/3dfx5500_LOD_frames.html"
"COMMENT 1"="Thanks to CptSiskoX [cptsiskox@mailandnews.com] for suggesting this feature!"
"AUTHOR"="Xteq Systems (Neil R. Turner)"
"COPYRIGHT"="Copyright ⌐ Xteq Systems - All Rights Reserved"